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Our corruption is people driven, Kill Anyone Who Steals N1 Trillion, Not N1 Billion – Ali Ndume

Our corruption is people driven – Ali Ndume

Senate Chief Whip Ali Ndume has expressed support for the death penalty for individuals found guilty of embezzling substantial amounts of government funds, suggesting that such a measure should apply to those who steal one trillion naira. On Channels TV’s Politics Today on Tuesday, Ndume’s comments were made during his appearance, where he discussed various forms of corruption and penalties.

Ndume highlighted that corruption in Nigeria is significantly influenced by the populace, with politicians often redistributing stolen funds to maintain political support. “If you compare us (politicians), to all the corruption (overall corrupt practices), it is very small. Our corruption is people-driven. If you steal it, you will go and share it with the (your) people. If you don’t, you are not coming back for four years,” he said.

The Chief Whip emphasized that severe punishment should be reserved for major thefts, stating, “I will support the death penalty for corruption, but you don’t go and kill someone that stole one million or one billion. But someone who steals a trillion of government money should be killed.”

Ndume also commented on the recently passed National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act (Amendment Bill) 2024, which introduces the death penalty for those convicted of trading in hard drugs and narcotics. He argued that the death penalty serves as a strong deterrent, stating, “The death penalty is the best deterrent for those being caught for drugs. If you do drugs, you are killing people. That means you have destroyed (harmed) the lives of so many people and killed so many people.”

The bill has sparked significant controversy, with numerous legal experts and civil society organizations condemning it. Critics argue that the death penalty is not an effective solution to drug trafficking. Instead, they advocate for measures such as stricter border controls and addressing the country’s high poverty rate to combat the root causes of drug trafficking.

Despite the backlash, the Senate’s passage of the amendment reflects a continued debate over the most effective methods to address severe crimes and corruption within Nigeria.

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