MKO Abiola’s Last Will: Son Confirms £650,000 Distributed Among First Four Wives

MKO Abiola's Last Will: Son Confirms £650,000 Distributed Among First Four Wives
Abdulmumuni Abiola Reveals Details of Late Father MKO Abiola’s Will and Family Disputes

Abdulmumuni Abiola, son of the late Nigerian billionaire and philanthropist Moshood Abiola (MKO Abiola), shared significant revelations regarding his father’s estate during an appearance on the ‘Mic On Podcast,’ hosted by Seun Okinbaloye of Channels TV. The podcast episode, which premiered on Saturday, unveiled that Moshood Abiola bequeathed £650,000 to his first four wives in his will.

A document displayed during the podcast indicated the allocation of funds to each Mko abiola’s wife: Simbiat received £300,000, Kudirat was allotted £150,000, while both Moriamo and Idiat received £100,000 each.

Abdulmumuni, whose mother, Kudirat Abiola, was the second wife, voiced his frustrations towards his older brother Kola, alleging that Kola has been obstructing Abdulmumuni and his sisters from claiming their rightful inheritance. He explained that the family underwent blood tests to confirm the legitimate heirs entitled to their father’s estate.

In a discussion about the apparent struggles faced by some of Abiola’s children despite their father’s considerable wealth, Abdulmumuni stated, “We had a list of qualifying children based on blood tests. The will is quite systematic, naming the wives and specifying their shares. My mother, being the second wife, was designated £150,000.”

He elaborated on the complications arising from Kola’s interpretation of British law regarding the inheritance rights of children whose parent (Kudirat) had passed away before the deceased, noting, “Kola cited that my mum died before my dad, claiming that British law prevented him from releasing the funds to us. Ironically, he also mentioned that his mother is deceased, yet he hasn’t received the £300,000 portion allocated to her. Since he is the one distributing the funds, it seems misplaced.”

Abdulmumuni recalled the hardships he and his siblings endured growing up in the UK following their parents’ deaths, saying, “That money could have been incredibly helpful to us.” He revealed that Kola sold their mother’s apartment in the UK without informing the family, highlighting a pattern of systematic exclusion aimed at his mother’s side of the family.

“I find it hard to forgive him,” Abdulmumuni remarked, expressing his disappointment. He painted a picture of their financial struggles, recounting how, at just eight years old, he and his siblings found it challenging to acquire basic necessities. One sister had to braid hair to support the family, while another traveled across various universities in America giving speeches just to earn a little money.

“The last elements of the will pertinent to my existence remain unaddressed. We couldn’t afford proper shoes for school, forcing my sister to take me to Payless,” he reflected, emphasizing their hardships even amidst the wealth left behind by their father.

Moshood Abiola was a prominent Nigerian entrepreneur renowned for his polygamous family life and his political ambition, having won the 1993 presidential election, which was subsequently annulled by military ruler Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. After declaring himself president based on the election results, he was imprisoned and ultimately died in detention in 1998.

In recognition of his contributions, former President Muhammadu Buhari in 2018 officially moved Nigeria’s Democracy Day from May 29 to June 12 and posthumously honored Abiola with the nation’s highest honor, the Grand Commander of the Federal Republic.

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