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Over 60,000 Students Register for Nigerian Education Loan Fund

Over 60,000 students apply for education loan fund_ NELFUND
Over 60,000 students apply for education loan fund_ NELFUND

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has announced that over 60,000 students from federal tertiary institutions have registered on its portal to apply for loans.

This was disclosed by the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Fund, Akintinde Sawyerr, during a press conference in Abuja on Thursday.

Last Friday, the student loan portal opened for applications from students at 126 tertiary institutions, including Federal universities, Federal Polytechnics, and Federal Colleges of Education.

According to Sawyerr, over 90% of federal institutions of higher learning have submitted their students’ data to NELFUND, with only two Federal Universities and five Federal Polytechnics yet to complete the process.

The NELFUND portal will also be opened to students in state-owned tertiary institutions on June 25, 2024. Sawyerr urged state institutions to submit their students’ data immediately to facilitate a smooth application process.

In addition to financial assistance, NELFUND plans to launch a comprehensive skills acquisition program in six months, providing training in various vocational and technical fields. This program aims to prepare students for the modern job market, fostering entrepreneurship and innovation among young people.

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund is committed to democratizing higher education and addressing the critical need for financial assistance among students. The overwhelming response to the loan application portal is a testament to the importance of this initiative.

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