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Governor Adeleke Commends Dr. Mike Adenuga Jr.’s Contributions to Africa’s Economy

Gov Adeleke commends Adenuga over roles in Nigerian economy
Gov Adeleke commends Adenuga over roles in Nigerian economy

Osun State Governor Praises Globacom Chairman’s Impact on Nigeria and Africa

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State has lauded the Chairman of Globacom, Dr. Mike Adenuga Jr., for his significant contributions to the economic development of Nigeria and Africa.

Speaking during a recent meeting with the Public Sector team from Globacom in Osogbo, the Governor emphasized Adenuga’s status as an icon and highlighted the positive influence of Globacom in the telecoms industry, particularly in terms of innovation and pricing.

He described Adenuga as a staunch supporter of Nigeria, whose influence on the economy of both Nigeria and Africa defies quantification.

He expressed his government’s eagerness to explore potential business partnerships with Globacom, underscoring the importance of telecom companies in supporting state governments through tax payments and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Niyi Odejobi, leading the Globacom team, assured the Governor of the company’s commitment to supporting the growth and development of Osun State. Odejobi pledged to deploy various internet and digital infrastructure to enhance governance and foster business activities within the state.

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