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Nigeria spends $1 billion dollars on 12 AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters

Nigeria spends $1 billion dollars on 12 AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters
REPORT AFRIQUE International Nigeria spends $1 billion dollars on 12 AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters
Nigeria Spends $1 Billion Dollars On 12 Ah-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters

The United States Department of Defense has officially confirmed a substantial arms deal with Nigeria, signaling a strategic move to bolster the West African nation’s military capabilities.

The agreement, valued at $1 billion, focuses on the procurement of 12 state-of-the-art AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters, a critical addition to Nigeria’s defense assets.

This comprehensive contract not only includes advanced helicopters but also incorporates 32 mission computers supplied by Northrop Grumman. A separate contract, valued at $7.7 million, was awarded in December, emphasizing the holistic approach to enhancing Nigeria’s military readiness.

Nigeria has grappled with persistent security challenges, particularly the Boko Haram insurgency in the northeast and increasing incidents of banditry in the northwest. These complex threats have led to mass displacements and loss of countless lives, making the acquisition of the AH-1Z Viper helicopters a pivotal upgrade for Nigeria’s military forces. The completion of the helicopter delivery is scheduled for June 2024.

The arms sale materialized following the approval by the US State Department in April 2022, responding to Nigeria’s formal request for the helicopters. The approved package includes cutting-edge guidance systems, night vision imaging systems, and comprehensive training programs, reflecting a commitment to empowering Nigeria in addressing its multifaceted security concerns.

This military package aims not only to fortify Nigeria’s security infrastructure but also to contribute to shared security objectives and regional stability. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the United States emphasizes the importance of this arms sale, citing its alignment with the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by strengthening the security capabilities of a key partner in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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