BBC documentaries on TB Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), highlight confessions from witnesses and victims of his manipulations, torture and large scale sexual exploitations of staff and members.
The BBC has released a series of documentaries on late Prophet TB Joshua with allegations of sexual exploitations and manipulations by the late preacher on his staff and church members.
The documentaries, released in three parts and published on the outfit’s Youtube channel details confessions by key witnesses and victims who worked closely with the preacher at his church mansion in Lagos, Nigeria.
TB Joshua was said to have lead his church like a cult and forced staff into sexual acts, including rape, with him.
Video: Part 1 of the BBC Documentaries on T Joshua
In the part one of the BBC documentaries on TB Joshua, the victims talked about how they were attracted to SCOAN from watching VHS videos of TB Joshua’s miracles. They eventually got to become members of his staff where a large scale cult-like activities were experienced.
Video: Part 2 of the BBC Documentaries on TB Joshua
In the part two of the documentaries on TB Joshua, the victims highlight sordid details of his sexual abuses and torture. They also talked about the collapse of the church’s guest house which took the lives of hundreds of worshippers in 2014.
Video: Part 3 of BBC Documentaries on TB Joshua
In the part two of the documentaries on TB Joshua, victims detail the deception regarding the collapse of his guest house in 2014 in Lagos and how the preacher bribed his way out of prosecution despite the recommendations of the panel setup by the government to look into the issue.
The collapse of SCOAN Guest House

SCOAN guest house collapsed in 2014 killing hundreds of worshippers, mostly South Africans. The incident shock the continent and there were calls for the prosecution of the leadership of SCOAN but that never happened.
The recent BBC documentaries exposes that Joshua had coverups and misinformed the public on the details of the collapse.
The Death of TB Joshua
TB Joshua died in 2021 a few days after one of the victims gave BBC its first interview on the documentary.
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