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Court halts Reinstatement Of Sanusi as emir of kano

Court halts Reinstatement Of Sanusi as emir of kano

A Federal High Court in Kano has issued an ex-parte order halting Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf’s plans to reinstate Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II until a substantive lawsuit challenging the reinstatement is resolved. Additionally, the court order prevents the dissolution of the four emirates of Bichi, Gaya, Karaye, and Rano.

Report Afrique earlier reported that the Kano State House of Assembly’s recent approval of a bill intended to reinstate the Emir. The court has directed all involved parties to maintain the status quo ante until the suit, initiated by Sarkin Dawaki Babba and Aminu Babba-Dan’Agundi, is adjudicated.

Justice Liman of the Federal High Court has granted the Plaintiffs/Applicants permission to serve their concurrent originating motion and other legal documents to the sixth defendant, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), in Abuja and outside the court’s jurisdiction.

The defendants in this case include the Kano State Government, the Kano State House of Assembly, the Speaker of the State Assembly, the Kano State Commissioner of Police, the IGP, the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, the department of state services and the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps.

Justice Liman highlighted that due to the jurisdictional and constitutional issues presented in the application, all parties must address these concerns during the hearing of the Fundamental Rights application scheduled for June 3, 2024. 

“To ensure security and peace in Kano State, an interim injunction is issued to restrain the respondents from executing, enforcing, implementing, and operationalizing the Kano State Emirate Law Council (Repeal) Law,” stated Justice Liman. He further mandated that the status quo be maintained until the case is heard.

The case has been adjourned to June 3, 2024, for further legal proceedings. Governor Abba Yusuf had announced the re-appointment of Emir Sanusi on Thursday.

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