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Four Dismissed Nigerian Soldiers Arrested for Killing NDLEA Officer

four dismissed soldiers arrested for killing NDLEA officer
four dismissed soldiers arrested for killing NDLEA officer

Four dismissed soldiers have been arrested and are facing prosecution for allegedly killing a personnel of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Niger State.

According to the Police Public Relations Officer, Niger Command, SP Waisu Abiodun, the incident occurred on March 9 around Ramat junction in Bida Local Government Area.

The NDLEA officers were conducting a stop and search operation when they intercepted two suspected soldiers on a motorcycle. The suspects, who were not in uniform, failed to provide proper identification and an altercation ensued. They later returned with additional men and allegedly attacked the NDLEA officers, resulting in the death of Kingsley Chimetalo, who was stabbed in the back with a jack knife.

The police investigation, conducted in collaboration with the 18 Brigade, Nigeria Army Bida, led to the identification of six soldiers who were court-martialled and dismissed. Two of the suspects escaped, while the remaining four were handed over to the police for prosecution.

The suspects, identified as Sani Munzani, Abubakar Auwalu, Abubakar Sani, and Muazu Hassan, are currently under investigation at the SCID Minna and will be charged to court for prosecution once the investigation is concluded.

Sani Munzani has confessed to stabbing the deceased NDLEA officer, according to the police spokesperson.

This incident highlights the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat crime and ensure justice in Nigeria.

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