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Video:How Late Ghanaian Star, Ebony Reigns, Disregarded Prophesies About Her Death

ebony reigns

Video shows that late Ghanaian rising star, Ebony Reigns, disregarded early prophecies about her death.

After the news went public that the rising afro Dancehall diva, Ebony Reigns has perished in a gruesome motor accident, a lot of prophets and men of God have come out to reveal they predicted Ebony’s death before it happened.

These confessions have sparked debate about how pastors come out after a disaster has happened claiming they saw it coming. Many are of the views that the prophets should have made an attempt to reach out to Ebony Reigns about these prophecies.

a Video has chanced upon gives a whole new perspective on how Ebony Reigns herself handled the issues concerning prophecies about her career ending short.

In the video, Ebony was asking the men of God, whom she tagged “Doom Prophets” how come she keeps soaring higher and higher whiles they have predicted she will crash.

The video proves Ebony took the prophecies lightly and didn’t take the necessary steps that could have saved her.

Besides Ebony Reigns who died in the mother accident, her best friend and alleged lesbian partner, Franky and a military personnel also perished in the accident. Only the driver survived the gory accident. They were returning to Accra after visiting Ebony’s mum in Sunyani.

See video:

Sudden Death

Ebony was involved in a ghastly motor accident while returning from a visit to her mum in Sunyani. She died at the Bechem Government Hospital.

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