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Governors Shun Enugu International Trade Fair

Governors Shun Enugu International Trade Fair
Peter Mbah, Enugu State Governor

The 35th Enugu International Trade Fair, hailed as a platform for economic growth and cross-state collaboration, faced a notable absence of participation from the majority of Nigerian states.

Despite earnest efforts by the Enugu Chamber of Commerce to foster nationwide engagement, the event, spanning April 5 to April 15, was notably subdued in its representation.

Out of the 35 states invited to showcase their products and investment potential, only Abuja, Ebonyi, and the host state, Enugu, answered the call. The dearth of participation underscored a concerning trend of disengagement, despite the event’s crucial role in fostering economic partnerships and showcasing Nigeria’s diverse industrial landscape.

Uche Mbah, the director-general of the Enugu Chamber of Commerce, expressed disappointment at the lackluster response, emphasizing the extensive measures undertaken to ensure broad participation.

Official letters were dispatched, followed by diligent follow-up communications, including phone calls and interpersonal outreach. However, the efforts failed to elicit the desired response from the majority of states.

Even assurances from certain states, notably Kano, failed to materialize into tangible participation, further dampening the event’s vibrancy.

The absence of prominent states such as Abia, attributed to a lack of gubernatorial approval, further underscored the challenges encountered in garnering widespread participation.

Despite these setbacks, the trade fair managed to attract over 100 organizations, including more than 50 private companies and over 45 federal and state government ministries, agencies, and departments.

The diverse array of participants highlights the enduring commitment of certain entities to leveraging such platforms for economic growth and collaboration.

However, the subdued representation of Nigerian states raises pertinent questions about the broader engagement and commitment to fostering intra-country economic synergy.

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