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Chibok schoolgirls: The United States Reaffirms Support for Nigeria on 10th Anniversary of Chibok Abduction

276 Chibok schoolgirls: The United States Reaffirms Support
Chibok schoolgirls

As Nigeria commemorates the 10th anniversary of the tragic abduction of 276 schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State, the United States has reiterated its unwavering commitment to supporting the country in its fight against terrorism and in safeguarding its citizens.

In a statement released by Aisha Gambari, the Head of Communication at the US Embassy in Abuja, the United States expressed solidarity with Nigeria and reaffirmed its support for the Nigerian government’s efforts to combat terrorism, hold perpetrators accountable, and ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens.

“The United States (US) remains committed to supporting Nigeria’s efforts to combat terrorism and protect its citizens. We (United States) continue to support the Nigerian government’s ongoing efforts to make Nigeria more secure, to hold perpetrators of attacks accountable, and to ensure the safety and well-being of all its citizens,” the statement read.

The partnership between the United States and Nigeria, according to the statement, is based on shared values and common goals. The United States pledged to work with Nigeria to promote peace, security, and stability in the region and to support initiatives aimed at fostering education, economic growth, and human rights.

The US emphasized its steadfast solidarity with Nigeria in countering extremism and working towards a brighter, safer future for its people. As the country marked the 10th anniversary of the Chibok abduction, the United States reaffirmed its support for the survivors, their families, and all those affected by terrorism.

The Chibok abduction, which occurred on April 14, 2014, shocked the world and drew global attention to the threat of terrorism in Nigeria. The terrorist group Boko Haram abducted 276 girls from the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok, sparking international outrage and condemnation.

In an October 2022 status report by the BringBackOurGirls campaign group, it was reported that out of the 276 kidnapped girls, 57 escaped captivity by jumping from the trucks on which they were being transported, 107 were released, 16 were rescued by the military, while 96 remained missing.

The Chibok abduction remains one of the most significant incidents of terrorism in Nigeria’s recent history, highlighting the urgent need for concerted efforts to combat terrorism, protect civilians, and ensure the safe return of all abducted persons.

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