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Nigerian Pastor Suspends Offering Collection due to Economic Hardship

Pastor Suspends Offering Collection due to Economic Hardship

A Nigerian pastor has captivated his congregation by announcing the suspension of offering collections due to the ongoing economic hardship in the country. In a video that went viral on Saturday, the cleric is seen informing his church members that, given the current state of the nation, offerings will not be collected for the foreseeable future.

Addressing his congregation, the pastor stated, “Stop collecting offerings (money donations) for now because of the situation of the country. For now, we are pending the offering. In our church, we are not collecting offering (money donations) for now. Come and serve your God, go, until pressure comes down. It is not easy, you are going to your work (you job) tomorrow.”

He also made a broader appeal to religious leaders worldwide, urging them to halt the collection of offerings temporarily. “To all pastors all over the world, stop collecting offering for now,” he emphasized.

The pastor’s decision reflects a growing concern about the economic challenges facing many Nigerians and underscores a compassionate response aimed at alleviating financial pressure on congregants during difficult times.

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